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Dennis Morello
Dennis Morello

I'm Dennis Morello. I live in Milan, where I build wonderful things.

I've loved making things with computers since I received my first home PC, when I was at the mid schools. It run Windows Me on an Intel™ Pentium™ 4 CPU with 128MB RAM.

At the high school, I studied computer architecture, networking, operating systems and programming languages (like Pascal, Java and JavaScript). I was also a speaker at our school web-radio — it was a cool thing at the time 😎

I then moved to the University of Trieste (Italy) to study Computer Science Engineering for five years. I learnt a lot, and my passion for computers and technology in general became stronger and stronger.

It was during that period that I bought my first MacBook laptop, the 13-inch (late 2009) white polycarbonate one — I still have it at home.

Once I got the Master's Degree, I moved to Milan in 2016 to start working as a Data Scientist in a company that develops a recommender engine. Soon after, I switched to a Front-End Engineer role because I liked it more.

Today, I work in a fintech company as a Senior Front-End Engineer, and in the spare time I am also an Open Source software contributor.